Complaint filed by Sonia Saldanha
Complaint filed onDecember 2nd, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Sonia Saldanha

My Dad is 85 yrs old and recovering from 2 strokes. He struggles to walk. It takes him a good 20 mins to wear his shoes at home in his set up.

He was taking a flight to New York yesterday s and the security would not let him through without removing his shoes. He could not do that in the time he had and under stressful conditions for him. My mom was traveling with him. She has had a hip replacement and has screws in her back and can’t bend down easily. In that condition, she had to help take his shoes off and then help him put them back on.

I am hoping your procedures can be adjusted so senior citizens who are clearly not a threat to safety are not put through unnecessary stress at the airport.

85 yr old man in wheelchair forced to remove shoes at security
85 yr old man in wheelchair forced to remove shoes at security

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