Complaint filed by Sara-Jane Ponting
Complaint filed onJanuary 14th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Sara-Jane Ponting

Spicejet was 3 hours late causing us to be very close to our connection on Saudia, this would have been fine as we had already checked in, however we were treated so horribly by rude staff who would rather laugh at my inability to walk rather than help us as the second security wouldn’t allow use of mobile boarding passes despite the counter being closed and me explaining we had 5 minutes and our passes had already been checked multiple times. I tried to find someone to help print our passes but they marched me up and down twice from bottom of the counters to B despite me explaining I couldn’t walk anymore, or breath because of the pain. Eventually a lovely lady who seemed just as frustrated as us with the male staff (who kept rolling his eyes at me despite me explaining I couldn’t walk and had a medical notice with me) helped us get through and we had to run (my partner carrying me) to the gate just getting our flight despite your staff. This treatment caused serious damage to my legs through a flare of fibromyalgia meaning I still cannot walk at all and cannot attend work. There was no disability awareness or common decency at all, we asked politely for help so many times and people ignored us. Words cannot express how upsetting this was, and I am sure the men were being horribly sexist as they kept looking at my partner and rolling their eyes as if I was the one being the problem?? In this day and age our treatment was shocking, and I have no doubt your reaction to this will be to disrespect and diminish our experience instead of better training your staff. Please prove me wrong.

Abuse of disabled passenger
Abuse of disabled passenger

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