Complaint filed by Dr. Muhsin C H
Complaint filed onJuly 23rd, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Dr. Muhsin C H

I was going from mumbai to kochi on AI681 on 23/07/2023. I had taken front row seat 2A by paying Rs 350 on air india app while online check in. I had selected this seat only because i want a front row seat. The flight was delayed by more than 2 hours. While boarding the staff suddenly changed my seats to 11A. He given me a piece of chit paper ( which was barely 1cm x 1 cm) which he torn from the writing board he was using and written only 11A in it. I told them I paid for the seat to sit in front row. He told that this is your new seat and you will get a refund for what you paid. I asked him to give a proper seat change receipt so that i can use it if any problem appears in raising a refund. So now I’m travelling in seat no. 11A but don’t have any proof for that except that chit paper. I don’t know when did airlines started accepting tickets and seats in piece of chit papers. They could have changed the seat online so that it should appear in their own app or atleast message me. I want a refund of Rs. 350.

Changing the seat which was paid for and giving the seat in a chit paper

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