Complaint filed by Suma Vijay Betigiri
Complaint filed onOctober 27th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Suma Vijay Betigiri

I am writing to express my deep concern and dissatisfaction regarding an incident at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport on 26th October 2023. Upon departing from an Istanbul-Mumbai flight, a large piece of glass unexpectedly fell on my feet, causing significant injury, physical pain, and mental distress. I commend your airport staff for the medical assistance. However, the incident has resulted in unexpected financial burdens and ongoing pain. I kindly request a thorough investigation, corrective actions to prevent such incidents, and assistance with my medical expenses.

I believe the safety and security of passengers should be a top priority, and such accidents should not occur. I request a timely response and your support in addressing this issue.

Complaint Regarding Injury Incurred on 26th October 2023

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