Complaint filed by Supriya Shinde
Complaint filed onJanuary 15th, 2024
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Supriya Shinde

My name is Supriya Prasad Shinde(resident of India), and I am writing to bring to your attention a deeply distressing incident that my 7-year-old son, Yashraj Prasad Shinde, and I experienced during our recent travel with Malaysian Airlines.

On 11th January 2024, we were scheduled to travel from Mumbai T2 Terminal to Sydney, with our flight details being 5Y35HU. Our journey was marred by an incident that took place between 7:30 PM IST and 11:20 PM IST, which has left us emotionally traumatized.

Upon check-in, I was informed that I had exceeded the allowed weight for my check-in luggage by 3 kilograms. I promptly paid for the excess weight and proceeded towards security and boarding. During this process, I felt violated and harassed by the Malaysian Airlines staff at the Mumbai Airport who seemed to be closely monitoring my every move from the time of check-in.

The staff in question not only counted the number of bags I carried for the cabin but also challenged me during the boarding process, claiming that I had taken one bag more than allowed. This not only caused unnecessary distress but also led to my son crying at the airport. Furthermore, the staff questioned the size of one of the bags, alleging that it had increased in size since check-in.

I want to emphasize that the staff’s actions, closely observing and noting details about my belongings, felt like a clear invasion of my privacy and is in violation of privacy laws. The mental harassment endured by my son and me during this ordeal is unacceptable, and it has tarnished our experience with Malaysian Airlines.

I kindly request you to investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate action against the staff member involved in this incident. I am contemplating filing an official complaint with the police regarding the invasion of privacy and mental harassment we endured.

Below are the details related to our flight:

Flight Details: 5Y35HU

Passengers: Supriya Prasad Shinde and Yashraj Prasad Shinde

Email ID:

Contact: +61 497511368

I urge Malaysian Airlines to address this matter promptly and take corrective measures to ensure that no passenger has to undergo such distressing experiences in the future. Your immediate attention to this issue is appreciated.

Action Requested:

1. An official investigation into the conduct of the Malaysian Airlines staff at the Mumbai T2 Terminal on the mentioned date and time.

2. Appropriate action against the staff members involved in breaching my privacy and causing mental harassment.

3. Assurance that such incidents will not be repeated in the future.

Additionally, I would like to bring to your attention that upon reaching Sydney, I discovered one of my check-in bags was broken. I have separately raised a complaint regarding this matter.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Supriya Prasad Shinde

Formal Complaint of Mental Harassment and Invasion of Privacy at Mumbai T2 Terminal
Formal Complaint of Mental Harassment and Invasion of Privacy at Mumbai T2 Terminal

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