Complaint filed by K
Complaint filed onSeptember 18th, 2024
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by K

Bharatiyam foods and beverages pass to operate stall expired on 31 may; then how was it unofficially renewed? It was done by Specific Enterprises, via internal links of Santosh, Naveen and Yuvraj 1. Shivendra 2. ⁠Paramjeet 3. ⁠Raj 4. ⁠Ajay 5. ⁠Sabbir 6. ⁠Azad 7. ⁠Sabir Otherwise how were staff- names mentioned above working for days past the expiry? Also, many other peoples’ similar passes were issued, whose names are yet to be known Specific Enterprises is an architectural company; then how did it manage to renew passes of the above workers of Bharatiya Food and Beverages? Where is BCS and Adani’s attention ?


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