Complaint filed by Rozina Békefi
Complaint filed onAugust 4th, 2023
Complaint filed against ,
    Text of Complaint by Rozina Békefi

Dear Madam, Sir,

I hope this email reaches you with a sense of urgency. It has now been 4 days since my initial complaint regarding the delayed delivery of my luggage, and regrettably, my bags have still not arrived. I am writing to express my deep disappointment and growing concern over this prolonged inconvenience.

To reiterate, my name is Rozina Békefi, and my flight details are as follows:

File Reference: CMBUL42098
Flights Numbers:
– SN2643 (31/07/2023) : Brussels – Munich
– LH766 (31/07/2023) : Munich – Bombay
– UL142 (01/08/2023) : Bombay – Colombo
Departure Date: 31/07/2023
Arrival Date: 01/08/2023 – 05:35 AM
Passengers : Rozina Békefi (BJ4833313) and Mathieu Heynen (GA765256)
Bagages lost : 2 backpacks (see pictures attached)
– blue-black —> SN066805
– beige —> SN066789

Despite your assurance to address the matter promptly, the lack of any concrete resolution or even a straightforward update is highly disheartening. I have attempted to contact your luggage service numerous times during these days, yet the information provided has been vague and unhelpful.

The continued delay of my luggage has disrupted my travel plans and put a damper on what was supposed to be an enjoyable trip. This experience has led to frustration, inconvenience, and financial burden as I have had to purchase essential items and clothing to get by.

At this point, I no longer expect mere apologies, but rather a swift and definitive action to locate and deliver my luggage without any further delay. The situation demands your immediate attention, and I urge you to prioritize this matter as it has caused substantial distress.

Moreover, I must emphasize that the lack of communication and transparency from your airline is unacceptable. It reflects poorly on your commitment to customer service and leaves me with doubts about the reliability of your operations.

I kindly request that you treat this issue with the utmost urgency and take all necessary measures to ensure the immediate retrieval and delivery of my luggage to my designated address.

In addition to the prompt resolution of this matter, I also expect to receive fair compensation for the inconvenience and hardships I have endured throughout this ordeal. What is even more concerning is that despite several attempts to seek information and assistance from your airline’s agents at the airport, not a single representative informed me about the possibility of compensation for this delay on the very first day. Had I been made aware of this option, I would have followed the necessary procedures to claim compensation and alleviate some of the hardships I have faced during these days.

I eagerly await your response with the specific actions being taken to resolve this matter and the details of the compensation I am entitled to.

Your immediate attention to this situation will be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Rozina Békefi

Lost luggages – Ref n° – CMBUL42098

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