Complaint filed by Sudhir Amin
Complaint filed onJanuary 5th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Sudhir Amin

Today (05/01/2023 at9.45pm)accessed airport lounge at t1 terminal ( Mumbai).
After I came out of the lounge I thought I had forgotten my belongings in the lounge, so again I informed the staff I have to go inside the lounge & also informed that my boarding pass is not stamped but the male staff ignored my request & argued with me unnecessarily, again I showed my credit card then that male staff realized his mistake. After checking again he stamped my boarding pass,copy of the same is uploaded.
Please don’t harass customers unnecessarily .
I told the male staff that I am going to make a complaint, instead of being sorry he told me ok sir.
If the staff had done their duty properly then this type of situation wouldn’t have raised.
This type of rude behavior is not acceptable.
Please look into the matter.
Sudhir Amin

Misbehavior of airport lounge staff at t1 terminal Mumbai Airport

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