Complaint filed by Aditya Bhairam
Complaint filed onSeptember 17th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Aditya Bhairam

I checked In my baggage on 1st of Sep 2023 at Terminal 2 and I had flight from Mumbai To Delhi , Delhi to Paris(CDG) and Paris to Calgary. I had a different airline from Paris to Calgary and I was aware that I’ll need to recheck my baggage in Paris but While checking in the bags they uploaded my travel details from Paris to Calgary in their system and an Air India Baggage checking employee told me if you want you can get your baggage directly in Calgary for which I agreed.
But after reaching Calgary on 2nd Sep 2023 I didn’t got my baggage and I was told your baggage is still in Paris.
And after contacting Air India the customer care told you had to re check in your bags in Paris that is completely different what I was told at Mumbai Airport.
Its been 15 days that I have lodge the complaint on Air India portal but not a single conclusive response from them yet and I am left with no baggage from past 15 days.
I am attaching the baggage tags and my flight number and PNR were as follows
Mumbai To Delhi – AI-866
Delhi To CDG ( Paris) – AI-143

Paris To Calgary – WS9
Please help me out as I’m facing a lot of trouble without my luggage as it has my important belongings in it.

Missing Baggage due to Incorrect information by Air India Staff

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