Complaint filed by Ivan Volkov Baer
Complaint filed onApril 27th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Ivan Volkov Baer

I was asked to give away a small box with screw drivers. In that box I had a small screw for the glasses.

First I asked to show me the regulations. Officer V.K. Mishra refused to give me the small screw that was for my glasses. Only the one for my glasses. After me asking why he will not give it to me. He started raising the voice at me and acting in a disrespectful manner. There was no reasoning in his words for not giving me the small screw for the glasses and he was screaming at me asking me to leave and let him do his job.

I really think the way he was raising his voice is not appropriate. This was heard by people and it was giving unprofessional appearance.

I am okay with not getting the screw driver but I am really not satisfied with the way the officials treated me at the airport. Please inform me if any actions will be taken.

Officer was disrespectful
Officer was disrespectful

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