Complaint filed by Rahul Vinayak Kulkarni
Complaint filed onAugust 8th, 2022
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Rahul Vinayak Kulkarni

Passport No : O1639799
VJ 884 Mum-Ho Chi Minh, Mumbai, 07 Aug 22
1. Official/Diplomatic passports don’t have the requirement of visa at the time of boarding as visa is on arrival in most cases. Visa note issued by Ministry of External Affairs should be good enough.
2. However, this is a perpetual problem at Mumbai Airport due to lack of awareness and a lot of time gets wasted in convincing airline/outsourced staff to issue boarding pass without visa on official/diplomatic passport. Our minor dependents holding officia/diplomatic passports also travel to visit us and they too face problem at Mumbai Airport. This issue is not faced at Delhi Airport where procedures are well laid out and staff has awareness of procedures and rule positions.

Official/Diplomatic Passport Handling
Official/Diplomatic Passport Handling

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