Complaint filed by Vijay Parekh
Complaint filed onApril 26th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Vijay Parekh

I was returning back to the UK on the 12th April 2023 by Virgin Airlines flight No: VS355 @ 10:20 am. My wife and I were both in wheelchairs
1. My 2 types of E Cigarettes were taken away from me at the check in as it’s not allowed according to Staff, but when I arrived in India on the 24th March it was not taken away.
2. I approached the Duty Free tobacco desk and asked them how many outlets of Cigarettes I am allowed to take the staff said 2 outlets each on his recommendation i bought 4 outlets 2 for my wife and 2 for me, upon arrival at LHR the customs took all the cigarettes away, so I was out of pocket of about £70 after conversion. I do have the receipt to show my purchase.
3. While waiting airside I was injured on an airport stance owned by a company named Zoot accessories counter (please see photos attached) on this happening I reported this to the information desk to a person named Uzma and she called her boss who had a look at my photos and then they went to Zoot counter and told them to sort it out and close the unit until they do.
I asked the supervisor for accident report img book she said that this is kept on the outside near the passenger check in area and if I wanted to that I would have to miss my flight, there was no recourse by the supervisor saying that we will get you on the next flight back home or any of this sort and if she would would have sorted out for another flight later on the day then I would have missed my flight and done the necessary for the accident reporting book and I would have got some sort of report sheet to show this has happened.
I asked my lawyers start a compensation claim against this incident and my injuries.
Look forward to hearing from you regarding this incident. I cannot add all the photos I need to so please let me have an email so I can send all photos to you.

Personal Injury Airside
Personal Injury Airside

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