Complaint filed by Dionne
Complaint filed onAugust 28th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Dionne

At departure from the Mumbai airport on 17/01/2023 at approximately 8pm. I was detained by Mumbai Immigration officials who said that my 30-day visa expired on 16/01/2023. Essentially I had overstayed by 20 hours.
Mumbai Immigration Officials then were asking me to pay a cash-only bribe of $100USD + 500INR each/ per person for my daughter and myself which would equate to a total of 18,000INR approximately. I did not have INR18,000 in cash.
I had a local bank account with ICICI Bank with over $200,000INR and begged Mumbai Immigration to accept a card payment. However, Mumbai Immigration officials said that they will only accept cash.
I then requested the Sri Lankan Airlines staff to take me to the closest atm. Mumbai Immigration told the SriLankan Airline staff who had accompanied me to the Mumbai Immigration office to NOT take me to an ATM.
Mumbai Immigration informed me that the only ATM was outside the Mumbai International airport. The Sri Lankan Airlines staff were quite as they appeared to be submissive to the Mumbai Immigration Officials. As I had 30 minutes for boarding to commence at this point, I knew I was going to miss my flight and continued negotiating with Mumbai Immigration.
When there were 10 minutes remaining for the boarding gate to close, The Immigration official in charge (who was in a safari suit and red tilak on his forehead) asked me to pay in any way possible and begun walking towards the back room on my left of his desk. I could see from where I was seated that there were no windows in this room and continued sitting at the desk and pretended to not understand.
There is no question in my mind that this was a blatantly inappropriate invitation.
The fact that the Mumbai Immigration official did not let the SriLankan Airline staff take me to an ATM, is obvious that he had this inappropriate solution on his mind all along.
Eventually, I had to miss my flight leaving Mumbai to Brisbane as Mumbai Immigration refused to let me go.
I later booked an economy class Qantas flight 3HQ8Y3 to return from Mumbai to Brisbane on the 18/01/2023 which cost me $7,840AUD.
When I called Mumbai Immigration head office, I was told that it is illegal for any Immigration office in India to accept a cash payment.
I will never forget the horrible harassment that I had to go through at the hands of Mumbai Immigration and is why I too so long to write this complaint. Every time I tried to put my experience down in words I cannot help bursting into tears thinking about how helpless I felt.
The fact that I was in my home country and being harassed in this horrible way made me appreciate Australia even more than I already did.

Request for Bribe and Harassment from Mumbai Immigration
Request for Bribe and Harassment from Mumbai Immigration

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