Complaint filed by Dr Rashmi Kenchegowda
Complaint filed onNovember 18th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Dr Rashmi Kenchegowda

Had worst experience at Mumbai airport just now. I’m flying to London, Heathrow. At baggage check in they asked for my parent’s return ticket or else they wouldn’t allow. Fair enough! I booked immediately and went to the counter. The very same lady says she is new, asks to go to next counter, next counter lady again says to go into another counter. Boarding is at 1:45 pm and this drama is going on at 12:55 pm. If they don’t know how to do their job, they shouldn’t be sitting at the desk.
Then I come to boarding gate, I go to board with my baby as it is clearly announced it’s priority. again one more lady comes and tells it’s only business class and sends for document verification. The same staff told no need to check document again as it was already checked at baggage check in. Fine, I went for document verification, I’m standing with skilled worker visa and a man asks certificate of sponsorship. Isn’t that visa office work? Would skilled worker visa be given without a certificate of sponsorship? Their aim was only one thing, to push around. I’m a gynaecologist who is going to work in UK, this is intolerable behaviour from the vistara staff at Mumbai staff. Some strict action has to be taken against them or else they’ll keep pushing around innocent people like they are from embassy.

Rude behaviour of staff
Rude behaviour of staff

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