Complaint filed by Rajendra Danke
Complaint filed onMay 23rd, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Rajendra Danke

We travelled on 16/5/2023 at 2.30 am from Mumbai to Amsterdam by KLM to Los Angeles by KLM to Phoenix by Delta.
Reached Phoenix on 17/5/2023 at 5.30 pm local time.
After reaching home we found one bag torn up and broken locked. One silver article ( pancharati ) a diya was missing in the bag.
Kindly admit our complaint and do needful to get back our stolen silver article. All necessary details and photographs are attached herewith.
Rajendra Balkrishna Danke
Ph no.+91 9371054774
Email :

Stolen silver article from check in bag

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