Complaint filed by Shweta Dhumale
Complaint filed onAugust 8th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Shweta Dhumale

I am writing this email with great disappointment and frustration regarding the recent experience my mother, a 69-year-old passenger, had on Flight SG157 scheduled for August 7th. The series of events that unfolded during this journey have left us deeply concerned and dissatisfied with the level of service provided by SpiceJet.

Firstly, there was a complete lack of communication and transparency regarding the delay of Flight SG157. No protocols were followed, and passengers were left in the dark without any information. This lack of communication not only created confusion but also showcased a disregard for the passengers’ time and convenience.

Furthermore, the situation escalated when the flight was diverted to Surat, causing significant disruption and inconveniences for all passengers on board. Being stranded at an alternate location for hours without proper explanation or updates is unacceptable. Passengers were left in a state of uncertainty and discomfort due to the airline’s failure to address the situation effectively.

To make matters worse, the way the passengers were treated upon landing in Surat was nothing short of shocking. They were herded into a shed with minimal facilities and basic refreshments. This level of carelessness and lack of concern for passengers’ well-being is deeply distressing. My mother, traveling alone and at an age where she requires special attention, faced unnecessary difficulties and discomfort due to the negligence displayed by the airline.

I must emphasize that such negligence and poor customer service are unacceptable by any standard. It is our right as passengers to receive proper information, assistance, and care during any disruptions in our travel plans. In light of this entire experience, we are left with no choice but to demand an immediate and thorough explanation for the sequence of events that occurred on Flight SG157 on August 7th.

Moreover, I believe that the circumstances merit more than just an explanation. We insist on a full refund for the ticket price paid for the flight in question. This incident has caused not only monetary losses but also emotional distress and inconvenience for my mother and the other passengers involved.

We trust that SpiceJet takes this complaint seriously and will take prompt actions to investigate the matter and address the issues at hand. Your prompt attention to this matter and a satisfactory resolution would go a long way in restoring our faith in your airline’s commitment to customer service.

I kindly request that you respond to this email within the next seven days to provide us with an update on the actions being taken to address our concerns. We eagerly await your response and hope that this unfortunate incident can be resolved in a fair and just manner.

A copy of this email is sent to airsewa, Mumbai airport complaints centre and all other relevant media sites to ensure this is not repeated again.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Strong Complaint Regarding Flight SG157 Delay and Negligence

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