Complaint filed by Kshiteeja
Complaint filed onApril 22nd, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Kshiteeja

We had a powerbank in our main bag which I agree was our fault but when elderly people travel they already are in a panic mode and all they need is some support and guidance. They could have politely explained the policies to them and helped them but rather the staff – Priyanka and Raju were very rude and said you dint follow the rules now you wont get the powerbank, whereas when they went to claim the bag they were told that security guy would hand it over to Raju. Train your staff in treating elderly people with respect and show some politeness. Dont scare them all the more and freak the shit out of them!
Everyone have bad days but that does not mean you take your shit out on the passengers traveling and make their journey uncomfortable.
False promises were made and when went to ask they just blamed them for not following the procedures. Contact me at and i would like to make this complaint official.

Very Rude Staff
Very Rude Staff

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