Complaint filed by Christopher Madden
Complaint filed onJanuary 15th, 2024
Complaint filed against ,
    Text of Complaint by Christopher Madden

On 11th January I arrived at Mumbai from Addis Ababa on Ethiopian Airlines flight number ET 610. I then flew from Mumbai to Colombo on Vistara Airlines flight number UK 131 but my baggage didn’t arrive.

You claim my baggage isn’t at your airport but the Ethiopian Airlines baggage tracker states it has arrived.

Can you please find my bag and send it to Colombo as soon as possible?

My PNR number is – JMSSZA
My baggage number is 0071 ET150575

My bag is a large yellow North Face bag which has my name written on.

I need this bag as soon as possible because my holiday has been ruined.

Please contact me via or +94 754677445.


Chris Madden

You have lost my luggage

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