Report filed by ABHISHEK GUPTA
Report filed onMay 28th, 2024
Location where lost
Reward Expected/ Offered Yes
    Details of the item lost

Dear Respected sir,

It is to inform you that during the today travel from Mumbai T2 Airport to New Delhi T1 airport my luggage was interchange mistakenly with the other person luggage during the security inspection approximately between 7 50 PM to 8 05 pm as the color and structure is exactly the same accept the logo and later when i land at New Delhi airport today i was stop at entry gate by CISF to confirm that the bag carrying by me is of mine or not.

After checking it closely i observed that it wasn’t my Luggage and straightly i inform that CISF and given the written application to them and also scanning was done in which all stuff was found and one we reported to customer care helpline of INDIGO at airport they told that they do not have any policy for the lost or misplace item for such case.

Fortunately the other person bag was handover to CISF at airport but my suitcase information yet not confirmed by any concern department which was supposed to found at Mumbai airport and verbally confirmed by security CISF person.

As per CISF they told that call will be done at your number and LF receipt will be given to you for follow up and taking the back from custody at Mumbai.

So need your support and cooperation for such case 

Your faithfully

Abhishek Gupta

Interchange of Luggage during Security Inspection and was carried with wrong luggage
Interchange of Luggage during Security Inspection and was carried with wrong luggage

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