Report filed by Leonardo
Report filed onDecember 22nd, 2023
Location where lost
Reward Expected/ Offered Yes
    Details of the item lost


On the 19.12.2023 at 8am, during the security check, before my 6E1051 flight, I was told to hand in a lighter that looks exactly like in the picture attached, as even though all the airports I have been to accepted it, Mumbai airport did not. However, it had a great sentimental value, since it belongs to my dead Aunt whom I was very close to, and is now a family heirloom. 
I offer a ₹10,000 reward if this item is found. 
I wanted to ask if by any chance this item was brought back to the lost and found, or if someone at security kept it. Thank you in advance for your patience.  
Kind regards, 
Leonardo Corsi
Lost Lighter

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