On 18th Feb I parked My vehicle on Level, I entered through Fastlane TAG . On exit the Toll Assistant asked me to pay 250 Rs despite I being charged from my Fast tag Balance . Please refund my amount
Mumbai Airport Parking -Fast Tag

On 18th Feb I parked My vehicle on Level, I entered through Fastlane TAG . On exit the Toll Assistant asked me to pay 250 Rs despite I being charged from my Fast tag Balance . Please refund my amount
Dear Team, Fixed charge with minimum of Rs 160 are collected from the vehicles coming at arrivals to pick up. Even if the car is not parked and comes only for pick up the traveller, fixed amount is charged and
at P9 there are people of airport authority asking for 250rs as we were parked in the “reserved” spot but it wasn’t marked as reserved and no other sign was there. he told us “U give me 250 here ,
My fastag amount for P5 parking at the airport was already deducted. And still the security asked me to pay 300 in cash for parking. This is ridiculous👿👎