Complaint filed by Reena Sonigra
Complaint filed onApril 28th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Reena Sonigra

I was disgusted by the military security staff on 11 April 2023 at 1am. I wanted to check into the hotel to be told i need to book by telephone and I’m not allowed into the hotel. I was travelling alone and the idiotic man you employed who lacks any manners towards females continued to inform me to call despite stating my international calls weren’t activated.

It’s disgusting behaviour from military personnel towards females in a country which is world renowned in international news for it’s rape rate.

I was asking to check into a hotel which because of your security staff was a harrowing experience where I needed to call reception staff out to book the hotel. Disgusting absolutely disgusting.

Despite being of Indian origin it’s these attitudes which make women like me not want to associate with being Indian.

I suggest you train security staff to learn how to treat women, or amend flying times from Goa to allow for commercial flights between 13:00 and 19:00 to accommodate for the poor parenting of Asian men in India who have no respect or understanding of how to speak to and treat women.

It needs to be a part of the on the job training.

Glad to have left such a ridiculous culture in such a country unharmed.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour from the airport military security
Absolutely disgusting behaviour from the airport military security

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