Complaint filed by Shamal Naren Desai
Complaint filed onFebruary 10th, 2023
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Shamal Naren Desai

Dear sir/madam,
My daughter Mrs Radhika Desai flew into Mumbai from Portland, Oregon (USA) via London Heathrow by flight # BA135 on Feb 8th 2023., with her 2year old boy Suneel. When she was waiting in the immigration line she realized that she had Suneel’s passport with her but her own passport was missing. Naturally she panicked. Immigration person said they will send someone to check on the plane with no luck. She had her OCI Card with her and a legible photo of her passport pages on her iPhone. The fact that she had taken two flights, she had the passport. It was missing after she the flight BA135. In spite of that they would not let her clear immigration. For a long time nobody paid attention to her and her baby . When immigration personnel did talk to her they were rude, mean and treated her like a criminal. Loosing one’s passport is not a crime, it’s an honest mistake that we are all capable of. People in power could have been compassionate and treated a sobbing young mother with a child in her arms with some respect. Instead they treated my daughter and my grandson like dogs. Just because a person has power does she/he forget empathy and humanity? They put her on the next flight back to London and then to US. She was requesting and waiting on the airport for almost 6 hours. We older parents were outside the airport helplessly trying to do something as the police would not let us in the airport in spite of us having valid passports, to support our crying and scared daughter and grandson. Radhika will never forget her bitter and horrible experience on Mumbai airport. After traveling almost 24 hours to Mumbai she was made to wait at the airport for 6 hours and travel additional 30 hours with a child. I am sure there was some other solution than going back to where she came from. The way the situation was handled by the immigration staff was inhuman and insulting. The staff needs sensitivity training. My daughter and her son have already suffered in the airport and we suffered helplessly outside the airport. Nothing can change that. The pain will always remain with her and us. My intention is to at least make things easier for future passengers who might be in the same predicament. Please pay attention to this.
Please respond to my complaint and acknowledge our suffering. As a mother I have been in tears since that day with a big knot in my stomach.
Mrs Shamal Naren Desai

Inhuman behavior by immigration personnel
Inhuman behavior by immigration personnel

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