Complaint filed by | |
Complaint filed on | October 9th, 2022 |
Complaint filed against | Air India |
- Text of Complaint by Chinmay Mandal
This is to inform you that yesterday an unpleasant situation heppend during my flight from CCU to BOM. In flight I lost my wallet and immediately I informed to inflight airlines staff. They said once security people finish checking/cleaning they will return the wallet to me. Unfortunately, i have been informed after checking that no wallet found inflight. Meaning, there might be a possibility someone has got it and dropped to some of the airlines staff. In such case if the wallet is deposited to airport authority lost and found office how can I get that wallet back. There were lot of important cards whihin the wallet. My reservation detail is as below for your ready reference and necessary action.
PNR no. 5TM792
Name Chinmay Mandal
Flight No AI 676
Date 08 Oct 2022
Sector CCU – BOM
Seat no. 21C
FF no. AI 162384142
Kuwait phone no +96566396981 (active now) as I’m now in Kuwait
Phone no. +919831286585 (whatsapp)
If, the lost item is found i can be reached via WhatsApp or this gmail. I will be thankful if the wallet (Black on color) is available and returned to me. That wallet contains multiple credit cards, debit cards, pan card, Dubai Emirates ID and indian currency around INR 2200.

- Domestic transfer passengers are not allowed for security checking before 7 to 8 hours of boarding
- All good deli charged extra