Complaint filed by Sugandha Batra
Complaint filed onSeptember 23rd, 2022
Complaint filed against
    Text of Complaint by Sugandha Batra

I was travelling from Mumbai to Bengaluru today (flight # UK 583) and had three hand baggage’s i.e. ladies purse, laptop bag and a plastic carry bag with books. The laptop bag had five bottles i.e. 3 small bottles of hand sanitizer, 1 big spray bottle of hand sanitizer and 1 wrapped new shampoo. The 1 big spray bottle and new shampoo were brand new products, wrapped and from Japan.

The security officer insisted that i cannot take so much of liquid in the hand baggage. I was fine with keeping all hand sanitizers bottle back, however, I wanted to take mt 100 ml brand new shampoo bottle alongwith me as it was well within the permissible limit per airline regulations, however, the security officer rudely instructed that I can take just one small bottle of sanitizer and made me throw away my new shampoo bottle at the airport.

This incident has made me believe that there is clear inconsistency and disparity in the manner hand baggage’s are checked. I travelled to Mumbai on August 26th and had the same size of shampoo bottle in my hand baggage, the only difference being it wasnt that visible as it was wrapped in a towel and placed in my suitcase and today, just because the officer saw the shampoo bottle in my laptop bag, he threw it immediately.

This has caused a lot of nuisance to me as a passenger today alongwith the loss of having to throw a brand new shampoo bottle from Japan. I didnt want to argue with the security officer, however, I wasn’t carrying anything whatsoever which wasn’t within the limits of the Airport Regulations.

Shampoo Bottle unnecessarily retained at Airport during bagagge check by security officer
Shampoo Bottle unnecessarily retained at Airport during bagagge check by security officer

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