Report filed by Komal Mittal
Report filed onJune 13th, 2024
Location where lost
Reward Expected/ Offered No
    Details of the item lost

We were returning from Mumbai to New Delhi on 9th June 2024 and our flight was at 6:00 pm. We got off from taxi in front of gate no. 5 of T2, Mumbai Airport and one of our handbag which was a multicolored plastic bag with dark blue base containing clothes and few home items got left behind.
I have contacted Indigo customer care support for lost baggage via phone today morning at 7:57 am and was informed that I will get a call back from the airline but i regret to inform that i did not receive any such call.

Kindly look into my lost bag issue and locate the same at Mumbai airport T2.

Hand bag lost at Mumbai Airport T2 gate no. 5 between 4:15-4:30 pm 09.06.2024

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