Report filed by Anjanaben Patel
Report filed onJanuary 8th, 2024
Location where lost
Reward Expected/ Offered Yes
    Details of the item lost


I am US National, was traveling through mumbai airport and was heading towards my connection flight on terminal 2, during security detail check i was asked to empty my ladies purse and was questioned  on each and every item, while at that time i have lost my phone, which was black iphone 11, it has a maroon color  wallet case.

Jan 7 2024 around 1 PM to 4 PM was on flight AI 631

if you found this then please inform on +91-9879804577

I have lost my phone on Terminal 2 Security around 3 PM 7 Jan 2024
I have lost my phone on Terminal 2 Security around 3 PM 7 Jan 2024

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