Report filed by | |
Report filed on | August 29th, 2024 |
Location where lost | near the mcdonals or security check in the international teriminal |
Reward Expected/ Offered | No |
- Details of the item lost
I lost my wallet, which was black; it has my cards bank of America debit card, zolve credit card, bank of India debit card, and also my drivers licence of India and permit of USA Missouri state and indian money of nearly 8 thousand rupees, and us dollars nearly 250$-300$ .
I saw last time at the mcdonals while I’m eating I think I forget at the mcdonals or at the security check in the international terminal.
This is my kindly request it is very important for me could you please help me in searching my wallet as soon as possible.
i lost my wallet
- Ladies red colour purse
- Laptop